About closing purchase orders automatically

If you are a company administrator, you can select options to close purchase orders automatically when you post receipts against a purchase order in the 4-2 Payable Invoices/Credits or 12-4 Purchase Order Receipts window that either:

  • Result in a net balance equal to or less than zero, or
  • Reduce all quantities to zero.

To have Sage 100 Contractor close purchase orders automatically:

  1. In the 6--6-1 Purchase Orders window, click Options > Automatic Close.
  2. On the Automatic Close menu, select one or both of the following options:

    • When Balance Is Zero or Negative.
    • When All Quantities Equal Zero. (That is, the purchase order is closed when the sum of the To Date and Canceled columns equal the sum of the Quantity column. If any quantity remains, positive or negative, the purchase order remains open.).

Note: The Automatic Close option is available only if you are a company administrator.